function twoParams(a:number,b:number) {
return a + b;
let curryOne = twoParams.bind(null,123);
curryOne(456); // Okay but is not type checked!
curryOne('456'); // Allowed because it wasn't type checked!
function twoParams(a:number,b:number) {
return a + b;
let curryOne = (x:number)=>twoParams(123,x);
curryOne(456); // Okay and type checked!
curryOne('456'); // Error!
class Adder {
constructor(public a: string) { }
add(b: string): string {
return this.a + b;
function useAdd(add: (x: number) => number) {
return add(456);
let adder = new Adder('mary had a little 🐑');
useAdd(adder.add.bind(adder)); // No compile error!
useAdd((x) => adder.add(x)); // Error: number is not assignable to string