interface Overloaded {
(foo: string): string
(foo: number): number
// example implementation
function stringOrNumber(foo: number): number;
function stringOrNumber(foo: string): string;
function stringOrNumber(foo: any): any {
if (typeof foo === 'number') {
return foo * foo;
} else if (typeof foo === 'string') {
return `hello ${foo}`;
const overloaded: Overloaded = stringOrNumber;
// example usage
const str = overloaded(''); // type of `str` is inferred as `string`
const num = overloaded(123); // type of `num` is inferred as `number`
interface CallMeWithNewToGetString {
new(): string
// Usage
declare const Foo: CallMeWithNewToGetString;
const bar = new Foo(); // bar is inferred to be of type string